If you are hoping to give yourself a bit of a boost to your cash flow, a no spend challenge can be a great way to save some extra money, but the term “challenge” is certainly no understatement! While not having any money leave your wallet is a great way to retain your extra cash, not spending anything is much easier said than done. Fortunately, we have some creative ways to make a no spend challenge a bit easier while still being quite effective. Read on →

While the holiday season may still seem rather far away, the days are also flying by—meaning we will be hearing Christmas bells and seeing holiday sales before we know it! Holiday shopping is a major expense for households each year, and the average spend seems to keep going up. While it may feel like things have gotten over-commercialized, there are still plenty of ways to balance the perfect gift and the pragmatic savings goals you have set! Read on →

Saving money is something that is a good habit to get into both for your peace of mind and your financial future. Having a solid emergency fund, saving for the future and knowing that you have the ability to cover unexpected expenses that may pop up in life are all great things, but if you are struggling to find wiggle room in your paycheck, it can seem next to impossible. Read on →

As a parent, there are many pieces of wisdom to impart on your children as they grow up, and one of the most important of these is teaching children good money habits. Finances have a hand in nearly everything we do as adults, so setting your kids up to be prepared for that aspect of the world is a very wise choice. It is difficult to determine exactly how to go about doing this for many parents, however. Read on →

Having an emergency fund is something that you should make a high priority when getting your finances in order. An emergency fund can be used for unexpected expenses or to keep you afloat in case of a lapse in income, and building one up is a great way to take control of your money and build a good financial foundation. If you are not sure where to start or what to do, you are not alone! Read on →

While buying a home can be a great investment, it is also a major purchase—often the biggest purchase a person will make in their lifetime! In many markets, a mortgage is actually cheaper than renting, but there are many more upfront costs associated with buying a home that are important to consider. Budgeting for buying a home is about a lot more than what you can afford to pay each month and the amount of your down payment, but fortunately, we have a guide to help. Read on →

Regardless of what age you are, there is no better time to start thinking about retirement savings than right now. Conceptualizing what we will need in retirement can be tough, and with a long timeline, many people assume they can play catch up with their savings goals as their target date approaches—however, due to compounding interest, starting early is much more beneficial, even if you are only saving a small amount each month. Read on →

If you are looking into signing up for a credit card, it is vital that you do plenty of research on the topic before you commit to one. Credit cards can be a great way to build your credit, earn rewards such as cash back and points and get better control of your cash flow—but on the other hand, they can be a slippery slope to debt and high interest rate accumulation. Read on →

If you are trying to get your finances under control and make an effort to save more money, building a household budget is the best place to start. It is impossible to know how much you can save without knowing how much you have to spend each month, and by categorizing all your expenses, you can better evaluate areas where it may be possible to cut back. There are many structures out there that can work for budgeting, but if you are just getting started, the 50/30/20 method is often the easiest place to begin. Read on →

Ideally, we would all like to save more money—but by the time you add up monthly expenses, household needs, recreational funds and your current rate of savings, it may seem like there is no wiggle room to help you save more. That may be true, but it is also likely that you just have not been thinking outside of the box. That is what we are here to help you do! Read on →