There is one in every family. One who is so frugal they won’t even pitch in a dollar for a joint gift for grandma. One who will use their money to buy anything in front of them. One who is willing to take risks with their finances. There are a number of financial personalities out there in the world. But, do you know which one you are in your family? Read on →

It happens to the best of us. We get a little bit comfortable with how our finances are going, so we start getting a little more lenient than usual. Instead of cooking at home most nights, we start eating out four or five days a week. Rather than shopping at thrift stores and looking for deals, we start paying full price for clothes we would usually wait and buy at a discount. Read on →

Have you ever looked at your finances and thought, “If only I knew then what I know now”? Maybe instead of scraping for pennies in order to pay for a new washer and dryer, you would have an emergency fund set up so that you would be able to pay cash should the unexpected occur. Perhaps you would be better set for retirement, instead of wondering if you will ever even be able to retire. Read on →

Your credit score – something you rarely think about until you are ready to purchase a big ticket item, such as a home or a car. However, your credit score is something you should think about often, especially if you ever want to obtain a loan at a great interest rate! Do you know what your credit score is? Start Raising That Score Today! In order to be seen as a dependable borrower, lenders will look to your credit score for proof. Read on →

Any time a season changes, it seems to cause us to reflect on where we are at in life at the moment. Here we are. Winter is finally coming to an end, and spring is beginning to appear. We are now a few months into the New Year. Are your finances where you had hoped they would be in 2016? Start from the Ground Up! Whether you are where you wanted to be or are still struggling with your financial resolution, it is not too late to take a step back and see how you can build—or make stronger—your financial foundation with these tips! Read on →

There Is No Place like Home Are you tired of living the “apartment” life? Are you ready to start receiving tax benefits for being a homeowner? Maybe you are just ready to start investing in yourself by having a home you can call your own? No matter the reason, there is no better time than now to start looking into our home mortgage loan options! Start Saving for Your Down Payment Today! Read on →