In a world where we have a tendency to share our entire lives via social media, have you ever stepped back to consider whether you’re sharing too much information, especially when it comes to your finances? How Much Is Too Much? It seems there is hardly any grey area—you’re either a person who shares too much or you’re a person who doesn’t share much at all. But when it comes to your finances, it’s important to find that shady area to ensure you keep yourself and your money safe. Read on →

If home is where the heart is, then the last thing you want to do is move! Especially if you’ve lived in your home for a number of years and built a plethora of memories. Instead of packing up and moving to obtain your dream home, just renovate with these tips! Make Your Home Renovation a Success When you start a project, you aim to succeed. Check out these tips on how to ensure your home renovation project (or projects! Read on →

No one ever said they wished they never retired early. If anything, most people wish they could retire before they are actually able to. Yet while the retirement age seems to be getting older and older for some, it is possible to retire early. Keep Your Mind Focused on Retirement Your spending is the biggest obstacle in the way of early retirement. While you might see your paycheck and want to spend every dollar, the best thing you can do for yourself—and your ability to retire—is spending less than you earn. Read on →

Four months! In FOUR months, Christmas will be here! Ahh! Before the stress really sets in, take a deep breath of relief knowing that you can be better prepared financially for the holiday season by starting some of these tips today! Start Saving for December Just like how you set up a budget for your monthly finances, you need to also establish a budget for your holiday spending—and stick to it! Read on →

Technology is a wonderful thing. The advancements that have been made with direct deposit, online banking, etc., have been amazing! But, sometimes “old school” methods are just as good to help manage money. Cash in Hand Remember the days when you had to use cash for everything you bought? It seems now-a-days people who own their own businesses have to carry around a Square in order to obtain payment from customers. Read on →

It’s that time again! The back-to-school shopping is back underway. Now, all you need to do is make sure the school supplies do not break the budget. Get Schooled in Savings As soon as you receive your child’s school supplies list, go through your house to see what supplies you already have in your possession. You might be surprised at how many items you can knock off the list by just shopping within your own home. Read on →

You are going to be learning a lot of lessons when you start college in the fall. One lesson that tends to fall to the wayside is money, which is usually because, for so long, your parents were in charge of your finances. However, now it is your turn to take the reins. Stay on track when it comes to your finances by preparing now before heading to campus. First Things First Read on →

It’s a beautiful morning! The sun is shining. Birds are chirping. Kids are playing. And YOU are saving! Summer Savings Are Underway Turn your summer break into a time where you work to save - not spend - money. First, start by using your dishwasher less. Have the kids help by making washing dishes one of their chores after family meals. Or, if you do use the dishwasher, wait until it is a full load before use in order to help cut down on uses. Read on →

Are you tired of the wood cabinets, and ready to switch to all white? Maybe you are expecting a new addition to the family and need to turn the bonus room into a bedroom? Perhaps a busted pipe left your basement a mess? No matter what your reason - a home renovation is needed, and - therefore - so is funding to cover the cost. Save on Home Improvements Now that you know what you are looking to improve on when it comes to your home, it is time to start saving in order to ensure the renovations do not put you into debt. Read on →

While you don’t expect your children to do chores every minute of every day over their summer break, they are going to be at home more. Therefore, they are able to take on more responsibility throughout the week. Win the Chore Battle Chores allow children to learn responsibility, as well as unity. The family that lives together does chores together. Yet, these “chores” do not necessarily have to be the standard vacuuming and mopping. Read on →