We’re in the midst of a season when people expect to be spending more time outside at summer camps, in sports leagues, at amusement parks and on vacations. With guidance for preventing the spread of COVID-19 advising us to keep our distance from others and avoid crowds, all those things are on hold for many people. While that’s disappointing and may leave us all more than a little stir crazy, it’s important that we find some silver linings in the midst of all this. Read on →

This year has seemed to bring just about everything that could ever provoke anxiety. From pandemic to economic struggle, murder hornets to the prospect of months of political ads, we have enough to worry about as it is. That’s why we think it’s wonderful the three major credit bureaus decided to give everyone one free credit report per week. It’s a move the bureaus made to help people keep a handle on their credit at a time when millions are out of work and millions more are at risk of scams centered on coronavirus stimulus checks that seek to steal both money and identities. Read on →

By now, all Americans should have received their portions of the stimulus monies Congress approved to help the economy recover from coronavirus-related shutdowns. For those who are financially stable, the best choice may be to set the cash aside, whether to bolster retirement funds or as a bit of savings that can help support them if their situations change. Any time Congress appropriates funding for a stimulus such as this one, it does so with an expectation Americans will spend the money to help bolster the economy. Read on →

One of the more interesting topics to spike in internet searches during the coronavirus pandemic is the bridge loan, which Google data shows hit levels in April not seen in more than a decade and a half. If hearing the term ever made you wonder what it means and whether it’s something you need, read on to learn more! Defining “Bridge Loan” A bridge loan helps buyers cover expenses as they purchase properties. Read on →

In a time of uncertainty, such as this one, there is a very good chance that money is at the top of everyone’s mind. Not knowing what can happen next is unsettling, but using this as an opportunity to take stock of your finances can be beneficial now and in the future. Our team at St. Johns Bank has come up with some ways to help you and your family reassess your financial situation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Read on →

Many American households will be receiving a stimulus check of at least $1,200. While this will provide some relief for many people, especially with everything going on nowadays, you may wonder if there is a “right” way to handle it. Your individual circumstances will determine how to best utilize the stimulus payment. But our team at St. Johns Bank wants to provide some food for thought. Making the Stimulus Work for You As we mentioned above, the way you use your stimulus funds will vary depending on the circumstance you find yourself in. Read on →

We would all agree that we are traveling through uncharted waters. While we expected many things to happen in 2020, this pandemic certainly wasn’t one of them. As a result, many of us were probably not prepared for the social distancing and closing of many stores and businesses. However, our team at St. Johns Bank wants you to know that you are not alone. We are here to help you through the financial stress you might be feeling right now so that you can come out of this both healthy and financially prepared. Read on →

While you have probably tackled (or at least started) your spring-cleaning to-do list when it comes to your home, it is important not to forget that spring-cleaning should also be completed when it comes to your personal finances, too! Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you refresh your financial life this spring by tackling some of these spring-cleaning to-dos for your personal finances: Tidy Up Your Finances The holidays, tax season and everything in between—there is a lot of financial stress that can happen in life, especially within a short period of time. Read on →

We all like the idea of saving money, but when it comes down to it, how many of us are actually saving money? Our team at St. Johns Bank wants you to be able to put yourself in a better financial standing this year by learning easy ways to save more money in 2020. Let’s take a look at some ways you can start putting more money back for a rainy day and retirement! Read on →

Did you know? Nearly eight out of 10 taxpayers receive a refund. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were one of them? However, with a great gift comes great power, and it is important that you use that power wisely! While we won’t tell you what you have to do with your tax refund, our team at St. Johns Bank does want to give you some tips on things you might want to consider doing with your tax refund once it arrives. Read on →