Budgeting for a Spring Break Trip | St. Johns Bank

Long, cold winters make sunny spring days feel so far away. But if you start planning and budgeting now, that spring break vacation will be here before you know it!

Here are some budgeting tips to ensure you make the most of your vacation experience without breaking the bank:

Start planning now. The key to successful budgeting is to start early. Outline expenses, including travel, accommodation, activities and meals.

Early planning allows you to take advantage of discounts on flights, hotels and attractions, helping you secure the best deals and give you time to start saving!

Create a budget. Determine how much you can afford to spend and create a budget. Include transportation, accommodation, food, activities and a fund for unexpected expenses or fun money.

Setting a budget will help tremendously so you don’t overspend.

Find good deals. Deals, coupons and discounts are everywhere if you look! Look for package deals that combine flights and hotels for added savings. Explore loyalty programs, student discounts and group rates.

If you have kids, look for restaurants where kids can eat free or have low-cost kids’ menus; this can save a lot on dining out.

Shop around for low-cost accommodations. Consider alternative accommodation options, such as vacation home rentals, which often offer lower rates compared to hotels, but be sure to compare rates before booking.

Also, booking your stay in advance is usually a lot less expensive than last-minute bookings. Some platforms may even have special promotions during spring break.

Plan ahead for activities. Research the destination’s attractions and activities in advance, and plan out your daily itinerary based on cost. Planning your activities will save money.

Some museums or water parks have special rates on certain days, and if you don’t have a plan ahead of time, you could spend more than you can afford on last-minute ventures. Planning your days in advance ensures you can budget appropriately and still have a fun vacation.

What are you waiting for? Get excited for sunshine now by creating your vacation budget.

A fun family vacation doesn’t have to be expensive if you plan ahead. Contact us today if you’d like to open a vacation savings account!