Start Thinking About Your Financial Goals for 2019 | St. Johns Bank

Who says you need to wait until January 1 to make resolutions for your finances? Not us!

The team at St. Johns Bank wants you to start thinking ahead when it comes to how you can improve your bank account in the new year.

Let’s look at some ways you can improve your finances in 2019:

Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Are you guilty of thinking that identity theft won’t happen to you? Don’t. As many of us learned after Equifax was hacked, identity theft can happen to anyone.

Therefore, you need to learn how to handle and prevent identity theft so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible. Regularly check your credit report to ensure there’s nothing fraudulent evident there, and watch your credit cards, too, for irregular use.

Establish a Savings Account

Are you still living from paycheck to paycheck? Are you lacking a savings account for the future?

Take steps to improve your spending habits, and start saving wisely so that you can have a rainy day fund in case something were to happen—like when a car battery dies or you need a new washing machine.

Begin by saving at least $1,000 for an emergency fund, and gradually increase your savings over time.

Prepare for Tax Season

Does it feel like the deadline to file your income tax return always takes you by surprise? Don’t let it this year!

Go ahead and start preparing for tax season now. Begin putting all pertinent documents, such as receipts and tax documents, together as you obtain them. That way they’re in a single location when the time comes to file.

Tackle Your Debt

Are you still carrying around debt? Most Americans are. Whether you need to pay down student loan debt or pay off a credit card, there are steps you can take to get it done.

  • Create a budget.
  • Start with highest interest rate debt first.
  • Put any bonuses toward paying debt.

Are you ready to open a savings account and get started saving? Contact the team at St. Johns Bank who can help you activate a savings account today!