Side Hustle Ideas for Creating Additional Income | St. Johns Bank

In today’s economy, it seems like everyone has a side hustle, a part-time job or recently started a new business.

Figuring out what side hustle works best for you can be a challenge. You have so many things to consider—the time commitment, startup costs and flexibility.

Your criteria greatly depends on your current work and family situation and varies greatly from person-to-person.

Why Do I Need Extra Income?

Aside from the obvious answer of paying your monthly bills, an extra income could help you pay off debt, build your emergency fund or save for a big purchase. You may not need an extra source of income, but rather want to have the extra funds available.

Side Hustle Ideas

Here are just a few of the many ideas to help you create an additional income stream today:

Get a part-time job. The first and potentially quickest way to make more money is to go the traditional route and get a part-time job in addition to your current job. St. Louis is a booming city that has many small businesses that employ part-time workers, at flexible schedules.

Become a freelancer. Freelancing is a great way to dip your toes into entrepreneurship. Unlike a traditional 9–5 job, freelancing typically allows you to work on your own schedule—which is a great option for busy parents, students or those whose schedules don’t allow for a strict part-time schedule.

Determine what skills you have that other people will pay for. For example, individuals with a background in business may consider providing consulting services, and those with experience writing may offer writing and editing services.

Whatever your skills may be, there is a need for it! You just have to learn how to market yourself, manage your clients and have great time management skills.

Sell items. Selling your things is a great way to get extra cash, work when you want to and get rid of unwanted items. Start by going through your home, determining what you no longer need and listing it on a selling platform.

There is also the option to flip items. Head to a local thrift shop and see what can be refurbished and sold for a profit. This can also turn into a fun hobby!

While it isn’t always necessary to have an extra source of income, it can absolutely help you reach your financial goals more quickly. What are you interested in doing to make more money today?

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