Our Top Creative Tips for Saving Money | St. Johns Bank

Ideally, we would all like to save more money—but by the time you add up monthly expenses, household needs, recreational funds and your current rate of savings, it may seem like there is no wiggle room to help you save more. That may be true, but it is also likely that you just have not been thinking outside of the box.

That is what we are here to help you do!

From DIY projects to homemade goodies, today we will be looking at our most creative tips for boosting your budget. Let the savings begin.

The Best Creative Tips for Saving Money

Ditch the clothes dryer. When the weather is warm and sunny, you can take advantage of it to dry your clothes for free! Buying a clothesline and clothespins is a rather inexpensive investment, and then you can take advantage of a natural breeze to avoid running the dryer and racking up your electricity bill.

Borrow and share with neighbors and friends. Oftentimes when doing home projects, it can be helpful to have a specialty item or tool to get things done—but buying these things from the store can be prohibitively expensive. Often, by asking friends or talking with neighbors, you can crowdsource items to borrow instead.

Make your own cleaning supplies from castile soap. Between cleaning sprays, laundry detergent and hand soap, the cost of cleaning supplies can quickly begin to mount. However, by buying castile soap in bulk and researching all of its uses, you can make many of your own household products for a fraction of the cost.

Ask for cash discounts on large purchases. If you are going to make a large purchase, such as buying a car or paying for a medical bill, you can often save quite a bit by offering to pay in cash.

Get savvy when searching for used items. While going to thrift stores and yard sales is still a great way to find deals, buying used items has gone digital, too! Making use of Facebook groups or Craigslist can be a great way to find specific items you might be on the hunt for and you can get exactly what you want for a fraction of the price.

Interested in more creative ways to save? We can help! Come visit us today to learn more about our savings accounts and other offerings.