It Might Not Be Christmas in July, but There Are Holiday Savings in September! | St. Johns Bank

“When the weather outside is frightful”…who are we kidding? It’s still pretty warm outside for that song to be a good fit. But the team at St. Johns Bank wants you to know that even though the weather is still warm outside, that doesn’t mean you can’t start saving for the holidays. Instead of Christmas in July, start thinking “holiday savings in September.”

Start Thinking Holiday Shopping

While Santa is making his list, go ahead and start making yours! Write down every person you wish to purchase a holiday gift for this season. In addition to names, write down how much you want to spend.

When you budgeting for the holiday season, also include any items you might want to purchase for the season, including holiday cards, Christmas lights, a new tree, etc. Your budget should include every purchase made that’s holiday-related.

Next, figure out how much you need to put back from each paycheck between now and when you plan on starting your holiday shopping. If the amount is too much for you to sacrifice from each paycheck, then it’s time to make some adjustments to your list. Remember, the holiday season is about giving, not going into debt.

Finally, consider thinking outside the box with your gifts this year. Instead of buying a gift, why not make one? Or if everyone in the family is pretty tight on cash this year, why not host a Secret Santa event? That way, everyone gets at least one gift but no one needs to break the bank trying to buy a gift for everyone.

Did you know that if you had $10, you could open a Christmas Club Account? Contact one of our associates who can help you establish a savings account for the holiday season as soon as possible.

Are you ready to start preparing for the holidays? Visit St. Johns Bank to learn how to open a Christmas Club Account today!