Get Your Car Ready to Hit the Road | St. Johns Bank

Simple maintenance today equals savings tomorrow! That’s a great motto for many things, but especially true when it comes to your car.

Are you planning to hit the road this holiday season? There’s no better time than now to ensure your car is ready to go. Our team at St. Johns Bank has some tips on how to do just that.

Drive Home for the Holidays—Safely

It is the most wonderful time of the year to go home and visit with friends and family. However, before you hit the road, you want to make sure your car is ready to make the long drive home!

Let’s take a look at some ways you can prepare your car for the trip home for the holidays:

Make Sure the Lights Work

Before you go on a trip, you always want to make sure you walk around your car to see if the lights are working properly or not. Don’t just test the headlights. You also want to make sure the other lights are working effectively, such as:

  • High and low beams
  • Flasher
  • Directional signals
  • Brake lights
  • License plate light

Check Out the Wiper Blades

Do you remember the last time you replaced your windshield wipers? If you cannot think of the last time you changed out the wiper blades, then there is a very good chance that now is the perfect time to do so!

Especially when driving across state lines, you never know what type of weather or conditions you mind find yourself driving through. You want to make sure your wiper blades are ready to go, especially if there are cracked, torn, streaking or missing spots on your windshield.

Pack a Car Emergency Kit

While no one wants to run into trouble on the road, you always want to be prepared with a car emergency kit.

There are a number of things you want to make sure are included in your car kit, such as a smartphone charger, first-aid kit, flashlight, warning light and jumper cables.

It’s also a good idea to take along some non-perishable food and bottles of water, particularly when traveling for any length of time. You never know when you might get stuck without access to food.

Are you in the market for a new car this holiday season? Turn to the team at St. Johns Bank to help you find the perfect auto loan!