Fall Into Financial Savings This Season | St. Johns Bank

Who is excited that the fall season has finally arrived?

Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you make the most of this new season by learning ways to save even more money this fall.

Savings Tips for Fall

Let’s take a closer look at ways you can start saving money during the fall season:

First, just because the temperatures are cooler doesn’t mean you can’t let the fresh air in your home! In fact, fall is the perfect outside temperature where you can open up the windows, allow the breeze to go through and not have to worry about it causing your HVAC unit to work overtime.

In fact, turn off the air conditioner, wait on turning on the furnace and just allow the fresh air to cool your home, which could help to cut down your energy bills, at least for a little while!

Second, although it is not happening just yet, there will be a time when the temperatures will be a little too cold for the windows to be left open. In fact, you are going to want to make sure no heat is being lost in the home.

Therefore, go ahead and start checking on the seals around doors and windows now so that when the time comes to crank up the furnace, you are not having to worry about heat escaping throughout your home. You don’t want your HVAC unit working overtime to replace the heat that’s creeping out of your home this winter.

Finally, since there is a transition going on from summer to fall, take advantage of all the summer seasonal items you can buy now at discounted prices. For instance, you know your children will probably want new pool toys for next summer. So, why not go ahead and grab the summer pool toys on sale now and give to them at the beginning of next summer?

Are you looking for a place to keep your money safe and secure? Look no further than the savings account at St. Johns Bank!