Don't Forget to Spring-Clean Your Finances! | St. Johns Bank

While you have probably tackled (or at least started) your spring-cleaning to-do list when it comes to your home, it is important not to forget that spring-cleaning should also be completed when it comes to your personal finances, too!

Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you refresh your financial life this spring by tackling some of these spring-cleaning to-dos for your personal finances:

Tidy Up Your Finances

The holidays, tax season and everything in between—there is a lot of financial stress that can happen in life, especially within a short period of time. By tackling a spring-cleaning to-do list for your personal finances, you can be able to de-stress and take a deep breath.

First, you want to start with taking a look at your current household budget. Is it still making sense for your household? Or are there some things that need to be changed?

For instance, maybe you decided to remove cable from your home or you recently paid off your car. Rather than using that money you are now saving for spending, you can maybe put more back into your savings account or 401(k).

Second, if you have any debt, make 2020 the year you really get a grip on paying off your credit cards and/or student loans so that you really can take a deep breath of financial freedom by the end of this year.

Sometimes the hardest part of paying off debt is just starting. Get a plan of action established today so you can make next month a month you are closer to paying off your debt in full!

Finally, how long have you kept some of your financial documents? While you want to keep your tax returns and other important financial documents for at least seven years, anything older than seven years can probably be shredded.

In addition, make sure the financial documents you are keeping are organized and easily accessible in case they are needed at some point during the year.

Are you ready to start improving your personal finances? It all starts with where you put your money. Contact our team at St. Johns Bank today to learn how our savings and checking account options!