Charitable Donations That Don’t Require Money | St. Johns Bank

Giving back is always a fantastic way to engage with your community and help others in need, but when money is tight, it can be difficult to know exactly how you can help. During the holiday season, people are often spending more than during other times of the year and are also feeling the urge to contribute to charities how they can.

If you are one of the majority of Americans who do not feel they can give up any extra cash at this time of year, there can be quite a conundrum.

Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can donate that are not money-based at all! Below, we will share some ideas that you may not have thought of, so if you feel compelled to participate in the season of giving, keep reading for some inspiration.

Non-Monetary Donations for Charities

Furniture transportation for donated goods. If you have a truck or are equipped to do some heavy lifting, there are likely some nonprofits in the area that could make use of your skills! Many people have furniture to donate, and many nonprofits have people in need of furniture, but transportation can be a serious roadblock to connecting the two parties. If you can move furniture or simply drive a truck, that is a great way to give back!

Specialty skills and talents. Nonprofits are also businesses, so donating any specialty skills you have from your career may be a viable option. Accounting, bookkeeping and administration are things that all nonprofits can make use of, so if you do any of these things by trade, you may be able to contribute some time and skill!

Goods from around the house. When is the last time you did a thorough house clean-out? If it has been a while, you likely have quite a few items that charities could make good use of. Everything from books to musical instruments to craft supplies can likely find a home with various nonprofits in the area if you have them to spare.

If you need help getting your money organized, we would love to chat! Contact us today for information about the types of bank accounts we offer.