Bring Your Financial Life Into Focus | St. Johns Bank

Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you take a step back and focus on your financial future. Therefore, in this moment, stop. Take a breath and use this time to take a moment to put everything back into focus—from your professional life to personal life to what direction you see your finances going in the future.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

Spring is a great time to take a break and reevaluate everything going on so far in the year.

First, start with your personal life. What are some aspects you would like to change or make better? Do you want a family? Do you want to travel? What can you do to help reach those goals? While most people make resolutions in January, there’s no reason you can’t change and start a new list today!

Your financial life is another aspect you may want to look at during this season. Is there a debt you’ve been trying to pay off? Are you trying to save for a new home or a down payment on a new car? Instead of thinking about everything you want to do at once financially (which can be extremely overwhelming), do one thing at a time.

If paying off your credit card debt is your first goal, focus on one account and pay as much as you can on that account each month, while paying the minimum on other accounts. Once you pay the first one off, start on another. Or if you’re wanting to take a vacation this summer, talk to us about starting a savings account that can help you save up for your vacation instead of going into debt to take one.

An emergency fund is something many people only think about when they need it. Establish a savings account now to cover those unexpected expenses that crop up in life, like car repairs or a medical bill. That way, you don’t have to worry when the unexpected happens, because you’ll be prepared.

Are you ready to bring your financial life back in focus? Visit St. Johns Bank website to learn how we can help you protect your finances.