5 Tips for Saving Some Money This Fall | St. Johns Bank

The pumpkin spice lattes are back and the mercury is edging downward, which means fall is once again creeping into St. Louis. It’s an exciting time for many as we leave the heat of the summer behind and approach cozier days and hayrides.

Fall fun can come with a price. Though we noted the pandemic is changing how we spend in 2020, you can bet there will still be plenty of invitations to open your wallet in the season to come.

Fortunately, St. Johns Bank has some tips that can help you keep more money in your pocket this autumn.

Ways to Save Money in Fall 2020

  1. Look for pandemic specials. From restaurants to shops to attractions to insurers, plenty of businesses are offering special discounts right now to drum up income or support people struggling in the economic downturn. Whether you’re looking for essentials or entertainment, there’s a good chance you can find a deal if you look.

  2. Check out seasonal sales. This year, finding and taking advantage of fall sales may be easier than ever before and it may yield unheard of discounts. Retailers are still trying to offload a glut of spring and summer merchandise that no one was out in shops to buy and are still facing inventory as they try to stock up for winter and spring. That means many may be looking to provide deep discounts and offer those sales online, since customers are still hesitant to get out into stores.

  3. Find the free. If you know where to look, you can find a ton of free activities in fall. A great strategy is keeping an eye on blogs such as St. Louis Mom, where parents post opportunities for fun on the cheap.

  4. Make your house the morning coffee spot. Making your cup (or three) of joe at home can save as much as a few dollars a day, which can add up quickly. We get it, the challenge is different in fall when the pumpkin spice latte cravings hit. Fortunately, you can even make PSLs at home.

  5. Take advantage of nice weather. From cooking outside to turning the HVAC off, fall offers plenty of opportunities to put the cooler temps to your advantage. Those little changes and extra time outside can help cut your home’s energy demand, which can save you money when it’s time to pay the utility bill.

For more support in building a financial plan that gets you on a solid footing, trust the helpful, knowledgeable folks at St. Johns Bank! Call us today to get started.