Let’s face it—life happens. And sometimes our personal circumstances or health require taking a leave of absence from work. If you find yourself in that situation, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible, financially. Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to share some insight to help you do just that. There are a number of reasons to take a leave of absence from work, including: Adoption of a child Birth and care of baby Caring for a sick family member, such as a spouse, child or parent Personally suffering from a serious medical condition Read on for steps you can to take to prepare yourself for a leave of absence. Read on →

Who says you need to wait until January 1 to make resolutions for your finances? Not us! The team at St. Johns Bank wants you to start thinking ahead when it comes to how you can improve your bank account in the new year. Let’s look at some ways you can improve your finances in 2019: Protect Yourself From Identity Theft Are you guilty of thinking that identity theft won’t happen to you? Read on →

It might only be October, but the holiday season will be here before you know it! If you are already worried about breaking your budget with holiday shopping this year, our team at St. Johns Bank wants you to think outside the box when it comes to gifts for family and friends. Make Your Own Gifts Who says holiday gifts have to be purchased at a store? In fact, often the most memorable gifts are the ones that have been made for people. Read on →

While many people might think they need to wait until January to make changes in their personal finances, our team at St. Johns Bank wants you to know that is not the case. In fact, you can start making budget moves now in order to be in a better place with your personal finances by the time the new year rolls around. Let’s look at some financial moves you can make this fall: Read on →

Are you ready for fall? The team at St. Johns Bank is! However, we also want to make sure your personal finances are ready for the new season, too! Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice Who is ready for the falling leaves, the pumpkin spice lattes and the turkey dinners? While there are a lot of great things about to happen this fall, there are also some financial moves you should make: Read on →

Are you living with debt? If you are, you are not alone! Altogether, Americans owe billions of dollars in credit card debt alone. Our team at St. Johns Bank wants you to know you don’t have to fall into this statistic. We have a few tips to help you get out of debt so that you can begin living a financially healthier life. Start Paying Off Debt Let’s take a look at some steps you can take to start making a dent in your family’s debt: Read on →

Is buying a home in your near future? Whether you’re dreaming of buying in the next few years or have more immediate plans, it’s important to start preparing now. That’s why our team at St. Johns Bank wants to offer some insight about mortgages. Are You Prepared for a Mortgage Payment? Being a homeowner is fun—but it is also a huge responsibility you want to make sure you are fully ready for. Read on →

Did summer cause your spending to get a little out of control? Well, there’s no better time than now to regain control—and our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you do just that. Getting Back on Track Between summer vacations, dining out and shopping sprees, the season can easily turn into a break for your budget. But now’s the time to regroup. Revisit Your Budget The budget you created earlier in the year might have worked. Read on →

Can you believe we are already talking about going back to school? While it might still be July, the first day of school will be here before you know it! In fact, it’s only weeks away. That’s why our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you get your personal finances in order now so that your budget doesn’t take a hit as you prepare for school. Going Back to School on a Budget Up your back-to-school shopping game with these tips: Read on →

School is out for summer! Is your teen gearing up for—or already working—a summer job? Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to share some insight on the topic of teens and summer jobs. Read on for a look. First Things First What was your first job? While you might have memories flowing in of your first job as a young adult, the thing that probably sticks out the most is the feeling you got when you had your first paycheck in hand! Read on →