What's on Your Financial To-do List for February? | St. Johns Bank

Are you still working on getting your finances in order? Now isn’t the time to give up on your financial resolutions—it’s time to take actionable steps to achieve them!

Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to share some ways you can check items off your financial to-do list this month:

Tax Season Is Upon Us

Once the December holidays officially end, it seems like tax season takes over! In fact, the IRS is already accepting tax returns, which means you can go ahead and file your taxes when you’re ready.

With the anticipated delays expected due to the government shutdown, filing earlier can make it more likely you’ll get your refund in a more timely manner.

Check Your Credit Report

Even if you do not plan on buying a house or a new car this year, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be keeping an eye on your credit.

Once every 12 months, the Fair Credit Reporting Act states that each nationwide credit reporting company has to provide you with a free credit report. So now’s a great time to grab that free report and review it to ensure there are no errors that you’d need to dispute.

Buy at a Discount

Who doesn’t want a great deal on products, especially ones that could end up costing you an arm and a leg? According to Consumer Reports, February is the time of year when most items are at their lowest price.

Therefore, if you’re in need of a new mattress or want to paint the inside of your home, now is the time to check out those items and grab them at a lower rate than you can during the rest of the year.

Now that you are saving more money, it’s time to establish a savings account to have a safe space for your finances. Contact the St. Johns Bank team today to open up a savings account today!