Reinvest in Your Home | St. Johns Bank

When the seasons change, it can make us feel as if we want to make some changes in our life, too. Since moving can be too expensive, many people are turning to home renovations to help give their home a fresh, new look.

Have you thought about putting your tax refund to work for your home? Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to share some tips about how you can reinvest in your home this season.

Did you know that the average refund was $2,815 in 2021? Instead of socking the money away for a rainy day, why not use it to make some improvements to your home or even redecorate a room in your home?

Home Maintenance

When you become a homeowner, you become responsible for maintaining everything in your home from the HVAC unit to the roof. If you have fallen behind on your home maintenance to-do list, now is the perfect time to put your tax refund dollars to good use, especially since the longer you let issues go, the bigger (and more costly) they can become!

If it has been a while since you had your air conditioner checked or you need a new roof, consider taking care of these home maintenance items as soon as possible.

Home Improvement

Has there been a remodeling project you have been putting off? Now is the perfect time to show your home some TLC.

Perhaps you have been wanting to redo your bathroom? Or you want to put a pool in your backyard for the summer? Think about using your tax refund to make your house feel even more like a home.

Make an Extra Payment

If your home is where you want it to be and you don’t really have any home improvement or maintenance projects to tackle, you could always consider making an extra mortgage payment or two in order to help pay off your mortgage loan sooner.

Need to open an account or two in order to better organize your finances? We are here to help. Contact the financial team at St. Johns Bank today to get started!