Redecorate on a Budget With These Tips | St. Johns Bank

Redecorating your space doesn’t have to come with an expensive price tag. Thankfully, there are many options that can spruce up your home while flexing your creativity muscle.

Before starting any redecorating project, think about what you want the space to be. What is the function of the room?

If it isn’t living up to the current expectation, that is the first place to start. If you’re just looking for a new vibe from the room, you can decide which direction you’d like to take the decorating process.

Choose a New Paint Color

The wall color can completely change the ambience of a room. Neutrals give off a more calming tone, while bold colors scream adventurous energy. If the walls are currently white, think about an accent wall.

When buying paint, be sure to buy only what you need. If you aren’t sure, the employee at the paint counter can help you get what is needed based on the room size, so you aren’t overspending at the register.

Buy Secondhand or Shop Sales

Who says everything has to be new? Secondhand shops are a great way to find furniture or decorative items at a reduced price.

If you have a favorite store, keep an eye out for sales to score the items you want at a great price.

Simply Rearrange

Sometimes, simply rearranging the furniture can make the space feel brand-new. Ask yourself if the couch can be moved to another wall, or if the bed set can shift from the wall to the center of the room. You may need to move around the room a few times before you like the new setup.

If rearranging the furniture works to your liking, then you won’t have to spend a penny, after all!


Small changes can make a big difference in a room. Adding throw pillows can add texture and color to a space, with very little investment. Buying a few small pieces for a new tablescape can change the dynamic of a room, as well.

Have you tried redecorating on a budget? What are your top tips for creating a new space without breaking the bank?

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