Keep More Money in Your Pocket This Holiday Season | St. Johns Bank

Hello, December! We have now officially entered the season of giving.

However, just because it is the season of giving, that doesn’t mean it’s the season to go into debt. That’s why our team at St. Johns Bank would like to offer some suggestions to help you trim expenses this season.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can save money during the holiday season.

Keep Your Old Decorations

Rather than running to the store to buy all the new trends in decor for the season, use what you already have to decorate your home. If you are wanting to decorate your home with more decorations than you already have, then get the family together for a crafting night!

Not only will you make memories crafting together for the holidays, but your holiday decorations will have more meaning because you made them together.

You can also use the decorations you have in unexpected ways or new arrangements, giving you new decor without an added expense.

Start a Secret Santa

Think you are the only one trying to stay on budget during the holiday season? Think again!

Chances are that other loved ones are in the same boat as you. Therefore, why not have your group of friends or family do a Dirty Santa or Secret Santa this year, instead of buying gifts for everyone?

That way you can save your money by only having to buy one gift, and you can focus on celebrating the season in the way it was meant to be—having fun and laughing with one another!

Host the Holiday Together

When hosting the holiday meal falls on one family’s plate, it can get expensive fast! Therefore, instead of having only one person in charge, make it a potluck holiday event where everyone brings an assigned dish to supplement the main entree or entrees.

This tip has an added benefit—you get to try everyone’s holiday specialties!

Are you looking to improve your finances before the 2019 holiday season? Contact the team at St. Johns Bank today so that we can help you open a savings account so that you have a safe place to put your money for next year.