How to Improve Your Financial Health This Year | St. Johns Bank

If improving your financial situation was one of your goals for 2018, our team at St. Johns Bank wants to help you make that goal a reality!

We know that financial issues can make people anxious. In turn, that anxiety can take a toll on our finances. Let’s take a look at ways you can become less anxious—and more financially confident—now and in the future.

First, keep track of your cash flow. You spend money every day. Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly where each dollar of your paycheck is going? If you don’t already have a good feel for where your money goes each month, keep track for the month of February. Write down every expense—or exclusively use your debit card for all purchases, so that you can easily see where you are spending money.

At the end of the month, see where you need to cut back and where extra money is needed. Establish a budget for yourself based on that info. By sticking with a budget, you can truly change your financial life for the better.

Finally, set smaller goals for yourself and your finances. You took the first step by resolving to improve your financial situation this year. But the best way to do that is to identify smaller, more specific goals that can help you reach your larger goal. For example, maybe your goal is to put aside a certain amount in savings each week of the year.

You also want to set larger goals pertaining to your future. Do you want to retire by a certain age? Pay off your mortgage early? Set a long-term goal, and work toward it! Having future financial goals will help motivate you to stick to your budget and watch where your money is going.

Are you ready to start putting money into a savings account? Visit the St. Johns Bank website today to learn about our personal savings account options.