Enjoy a Holiday Vacation With Savings in Mind | St. Johns Bank

Can you believe that we are already discussing the holiday season? It is crazy how fast time flies by!

However, it doesn’t have to fly by so fast that you are unable to take that one last vacation for the year. Our team at St. Johns Bank wants to offer you tips on take a trip that’s a holiday delight—and that stays within budget.

Holiday Travels on a Budget

So the holidays snuck up on you—it happens. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t take a trip during the winter break.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can still enjoy that last-minute vacation without breaking your budget:

Timing Is Everything

If flying is your favorite way to travel, especially if you are taking a trip over a long weekend, it is important to know the perfect days to book your ticket!

Did you know that Sundays and Tuesdays are when most airlines offer discounts on flights? Try to jump online and book tickets on those days in order to get the lowest ticket prices.

In addition, you want to compare one-way tickets with round-trip ticket prices. Sometimes booking two one-way tickets can be better financially than a round-trip ticket, so consider all the options. You may also want to look at flying out of airports a little further away from home, which can come at a cost savings.

Don’t Be Afraid to Pick Up the Phone

While online hotel deals are pretty great, there is sometimes an even better way to get a good deal on a hotel room. After looking at hotel prices online, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call the hotel. Sometimes, the hotel can directly offer a better price than what is listed online.

But when you call, ask to speak with the front desk at the hotel or the manager. The reservation line, particularly at the corporate level, will be about the same as what you find online.

Enjoy Dining Experiences Early

Who doesn’t enjoy eating out during a vacation? However, dinner can get pricy—and busy.

Therefore, why not consider making reservations for breakfast or a brunch instead? Not only will the meal be more casual, but you can usually enjoy a better priced menu in the morning than during dinner, which can help to save you money in the long run!

If you eat a bigger meal early in the day, you can often snack on less expensive items later in the day and still feel satisfied.

Are you already thinking about the 2020 holidays? Contact the team at St. Johns Bank today to learn how we can assist you in keeping your money safe in order to travel during the holidays next year!